User Service Agreement Policy

For Academic Help Seekers

Eagle Tutor is dedicated to the academic success and welfare of students. It is our commitment to simplify learning for you, all through your journey as a student. We recognize that a student may face difficulties in being thorough with a certain concept. We present the learning at a pace that you find convenient, and offer additional tools, which bring success for you in academia.

In several cases, a student will feel that a step-by-step explanation will make it easier for him to be thorough with an answer from a textbook. By working with your tutors assigned by us, you may find it easier to master a subject.

We are also at the resource of students who need minor help with their projects. It may come in the format of delivering the finishing touches to a project report, such that the formatting is up to the mark and the prevailing standards, and the work is well-sourced and cited.

All work associated with project reports that we provide for you is 100% original while being high quality. The issues associated with plagiarism do not arise and all findings and inferences are genuine.

In an overwhelming majority of cases, students use the services of Eagle Tutor for enhancing their learning and understanding. We firmly recommend that our services are not misused in any way, because assessing your progress will then become difficult. Such conduct may be unfair to other students.

In case we find any students misusing our platform in any way, we withhold the right to ban you(Or no further communication with you) from the platform. We may even request your educational institution to initiate an inquiry.

If you are not sure if you can use an online platform for the resolution of the problems faced, you should consult with your instructor at your educational institution. You should attend closely to his response or explanation, and act accordingly. Miscommunication should be avoided at all costs. Your instructor/teacher/lecturer will be in the best position to decide if you should be taking aid of a third-party website. So, when in doubt, you should go and ask them. This will ensure that taking help from a third party does not turn out to be an integrity-related issue, and is not dealt with accordingly.

If Eagle Tutor comes to know through any sources that our services are misused, we will contemplate and proceed with the requisite action for safeguarding the integrity of our services and the educational community, including websites available for study-related help. The actions may take the format of the removal of offensive material or helping an educational institution determine the individuals who have committed the fraud, and the nature of misuse.

Eagle Tutor takes the intellectual property (IP) rights of all individuals in a great deal of regard. We would expect you to do the same as well. So, when uploading any content over the website, it should be something that you have made. Alternately, you can post something over the website that you are authorized to post. We withhold the rights to terminate the account of any user who repeatedly exhibits conduct of copyright infringement.

Acceptable service requests

  • Services regarding online teaching
  • Services regarding understanding Topics or numerical problems
  • Services regarding Video solution requests
  • Services regarding Laboratory equipment working models
  • Services regarding project report guidance{‘ ‘}

Non Acceptable service requests like

  • Help on Exam
  • Requesting to solve something which is a violation of academic integrity in your college or school
  • Service request for solving homework on behalf of yourself
  • Service requests for helping others on behalf of you

For instructors and professors

Our services are presented in a manner such that they supplement a student’s learning but do not replace it. The instructors and professors at Eagle Tutor persistently put in their best efforts for supplementing your education with the help of the best available tools. This is with the purpose of simplifying the education for you.

At Eagle Tutor, you will come across step-by-step instructions for a problem that you encounter. Our services include tutoring for different services and feedback in real-time.

As instructors and professors, you should enable the highest degree of clarity when offering the lessons for the students. A proactive attempt should be made to access and feasibly present all the resources required for students’ learning, with respect to any assignment.

In case you come to feel that your students are using the resources made available in an inappropriate manner, you should have an open discussion with your students.

If the concerns are difficult to resolve between the students and yourself, share the concerns with us, so that progress can be made towards their resolution.

A minuscule percentage of your students will attempt to misuse your services, but this can lead to frustration because you are putting in dedicated hard work towards the success of the classes. Academic dishonesty is always a matter of disappointment. On our part, we make proactive attempts to enhance our capabilities to recognize and respond to all matters concerned with copyright and academic integrity. We consider both of these matters to be serious and respond to the concerned matters in the minimum possible time.

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