Adding a digital assignment to an existing curriculum can be challenging for both instructor and for students. Instructors may be concerned about the time needed for students to learn the tools necessary for the assignment or unsure as to how pedagogically beneficial a digital assignment is going to be. For students, multimedia assignments, or project-based assignments more generally, are often challenging because they may present a departure from the more familiar and comfortable lecture-study-test routine

Engaging in course-based digital projects, however, can have tangential benefits and perhaps unexpected learning outcomes. Such assignments can encourage collaborative work, exploring multiple literacies, writing for public audiences, and learning to effectively present critical, creative, and community-engaged scholarship. These non-technical outcomes should form the basis of and motivation for the development of digital assignments. Digital work for digital’s sake is never a good idea and adding a tool to a process in which it is unnecessary can make coursework cumbersome and tedious.

When considering implementing a digital assignment, think about the process, the possible time spent learning the tool, and the skills involved. How do these relate to your desired learning outcomes for the course? Digital tools offer a wide spectrum of ways to present scholarly work and can be combined in many ways.  A map, for example, may be annotated with written text that is also illustrated with images and video. Digital assignments can provide opportunities for curatorial decisions in the design process that might not be as necessary in a more traditional course assignment. Students should reflect upon how their scholarly work might most effectively be represented, whether it be a short video, podcast, drawing, writing or performing– whatever best suits the needs of the student to present an effective response to your clearly stated goal.

Tips For Designing a Digital Assignment

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